ELVIS PRESLEY - No war has ever been fought in his name, no country
ravaged, no people enslaved, no heretics burned, and no power-hungry priests were able to
distort his message. He did not conquer the world, he won its heart.
In rock and pop there are many kings and queens, princes and
princesses, gods and goddesses, and prophets and seers as well - but towering above them all reigns THE KING OF KINGS - the greatest rock star of all times, a profoundly devoted being who has brought joy, hope, deliverance, inspiration and enlightenment to hundreds of millions of people around the world. |
Copyright Guy Peellaerts
He's the King of the Whole Wide World
Elvis in Thailand with Queen Sirikit and
His Majesty, King Bhumiphon. Both kings are true kings of the heart, for they are loved by all their people... |
Der Rock- und Pophimmel kennt viele Götter,
Göttinnen, Stars, Könige und Königinnen, Prinzen und Prinzessinnen und auch Propheten. Ueber Allen aber thront der König der Könige, der King of Kings - Elvis Presley, der mit seiner Musik hunderten von Millionen Menschen in aller Welt Freude, Hoffnung, Erlösung und Erleuchtung gebracht hat.
Kein Krieg wurde je in seinem Namen geführt, kein
Land erobert, kein Volk versklavt, keine Ketzer
verbrannt. Und doch hat er die Welt erobert.
Keine machthungrigen Priester konnten seine
Worte verdrehen. Keine Sekte oder Kirche wurde in seinem Namen gegründet, und doch verehren ihn die Menschen aller Glaubensrichtungen in aller Welt. |
Many of us owe a lot to Elvis. As far
as I'm concerned, I wouldn't even have made it past age ten without his music and his inspiration. He gave so much to me I'm at a loss for words. I'm sure there are many others out there who feel just the same way about Elvis and themselves - like you and you and you - all the thousands and millions more like you and me. Greets to you all and God bless you... |