Zurich '04
Zurich graffiti
Zurich 1999
Hip Hop + Rap Vinyl Schallplatten LP Shop Schweiz Singles, LPs, Maxis - Hip hop online vinyl records shop , 45s, 12 inch maxis, LPs - Disques de vinyle 33 et 45 tours hip hop - Dischi al vinile 33, 45
giri hip hop - Discos de vinilo hip hop. Breakdance, electric boogie, robot dance. Swiss hip hop. Vinil Singel Schallplatte - Vinal singels record disc. skivor graffiti streetart Zurich Schweiz
Grandmaster vinyl single
Zurich 2002
Zurich 2008
Vinyl Singles
Street Dance single
"Said a hip-hop, the hibbit, the
hippidibby hip hop-hoppa, you don't
rock it out to the boogie da bang-
bang, boogie to the boogie da beat,
Now what you hear is not a test I'm
rapping to the beat,
and me, the groove an my friends are
gonna try to move your feet.
You see I am Wonder Mike and I'd
like to say hello,
To the black, to the white, the red and
the brown, the purple and yellow,
But first I gotta bang-bang the boogie
to the boogie,
said up jump the boogie to the bang-
bang boogie,
let's rock, you don't stop,
rock the rhythm that makes your body

HIP HOP - 7" Vinyl Singles / 45s

How to order




Record Grading Details


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Artist/Group Title Label/No. Form Country/
Quality Remarks Price in SFR
 Break Machine Break Dance Party Black Scorpio SCM 1244 Si FRA 84 AAA   15
 Break Machine Street Dance Black Scorpio SCM 1241 Si FRA 83 AAA   15
Grandmaster Flash & Furious Five New York New York Sugar Hill 101783 Si FRA 83 AAA   15
Grandmaster Flash & Melle Mel White lines (Don't do it) Sugar Hill 101845 Si FRA 83 1   15
Grandmaster Flash + the Furious Five The Message  Sugar Hill 101.696 Si FRA 82 1/AAA   15
Kris Kross I missed the bus Columbia 658392 Si NL 92 AAA + rare insert (4 original stickers) 15
Kris Kross Warm it up Columbia 658218 Si NL 92 AAA   10
L.L. Cool J  I need love Def Jam 651101-7 Si UK 87 1   10
MC Hammer U can't touch this Capitol 2039257 Si D 1   10
 Markham, Pigmeat Here comes the judge Chess 169.518 Si FRA 68 VG+ Der erste Rap-Song der Geschichte! Aus dem Jahr 1968!

This is the very first rap song! From 1968!


 Rock Steady Crew Hey you Virgin 105 887 Si D 83 1/AAA   15
Run DMC My Adidas / Peter Piper  London LON 101 Si UK 86 AAA   15
 Run DMC Walk this way Metronome 886.076 Si D 86 AAA   15
Sugarhill Gang (feat. Sequence) Funk you up Vogue Sugar Hill 101287 Si FRA 79 AAA/1- side A: short version (4:25), side B: long version (6:46), stol 15
Sugarhill Gang Rapper's Delight Metronome 0030.232 Si D 79 AAA/1   *
Sugarhill Gang Rapper's Delight Vogue VG 108 Si FRA 79 2   *
 Sugarhill Gang Hot hot summer day Sugar Hill 6.12888 Si D 80 AAA   *
New York New York single
Rapper's Delight. Text by S.
Robinson / H. Jackson / M.
Wright / G. O'Brien

LL Cool J single
Rapper's Delight single
RUN DMC picture sleeve single German pressing
do ur thing -
but don't let
da Man