Legenadry Swiss punkers from the late seventies - Sper.ma maxi single vinyl record
Swiss Wave vinyl single record 'Eisbär' by Grauzone. Schallplatten Single.
S perma vinyl single record 45 rpm Single Schallplatte Swiss punk rock. Schweizer Punk Pioniere.

Dieter Meier 45 rpm vinyl single record 'Cry for Fame' Dieter Meier Schallplatte
Beat Baum 'Ich bin da' Swiss wave vinyl single 45rpm with laminated thick cardboard picture sleeve.
TNT Züri brännt Original 45er Single Schallplatte Schweizer Punk. Swiss punk legend TNT with their 45 rpm single Zueri braennt, Zurich is burning. Disque 45 tours, disco 45 giri punk svizzero punk suisse
Nasal Boys. Switzerland's first and best punk rock 45rpm vinyl single. Nasal Boys Single Schallplatte. Nasal Boys disque 45 tours punk suisse original. Nasal Boys disco 45 giri punk svizzero. Punk skivor
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