Kaktus Bünzlischwizerhuus
Milchmaa vinyl single
Tusk Child of
My Kingdom
vinyl single
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POP 1971-2000
Vinyl Singles
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Kaktus Bünzlischwizerhuus Milchmaa vinyl single
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SWISS ROCK  + POP 1971-2002 

Vinyl Singles + EPs  

Artist/Group Title Label/No. Format Country/
Quality Remarks Price in SFR
Angy Burry + the Apaches Hokahe / Seven Spanish Angels Out of Tune P 125 Si CH 89 AAA   15
Angy Burri + the Apaches Eagle Woman / Truck Driving' Man Gold Records 10101 Si CH AAA   15
 Baby Jail Prinz Joggeli (part 1+2) COD Records Flexi- Si CH 90 EX part of LP "Primitiv" 15
Bad Generation Heart break / Crazy Man  Cobra LR 266 Si CH EX/EX++   *
Ba'rock Ba'rock / Romeo and Juliet Ariola 104.025 Si CH 82 AAA   *
Berger, Peter My sex is bad / psychoterror Musk Project  mp 7777/7 Si CH 79 1/AAA feat. C.B. BUESSER  *
Bitch Rockin' Tonight Bellaphon BCH 3014 Si CH 79 AAA/1   15
Bitch Teenage Heartache Bellaphon 100-40-002 Si CH 82  AAA/1   20
Black + White Steamroller / Reconsider baby / Whatever gets you through the night Black + White 17-468 (private presssing) Si CH 86 1 Black + White are: Urs Rothenbühler, Heinz Widmer, Hans-Jörg Horisberger, Ernzo Rüegg, Brigit Mühlebach, Martin Enderli 20
Blacktimes Dark night / We stand together Musk MP 10-849 Si CH 84 1/AAA   *
Blue China Visitors never come alone  Electric Unicorn WSMWMH Si CH 81 AAA Rudolph Dietrich (ex-Nasal Boys) 20
Carmen, Phil Sin City Schnoutz 6028 097 Si CH 82 1/1-   15
Carmen, Phil On my way in L.A. Metronome 881.860 Si D 85 1   *
Double The Captain of her heart Metronome 883-243 Si CH 85 AAA   15
Dusty Road Hangman / Alive CompSound CS 552 Si CH 83 1 Roman Meier, Fritz Stehlin, Giulio Voegelin 20
El deux Video King / Gletscher Gold 10091 Si CH 84 1/1-.   15
Evolution Take that to heart / Long John Elite Special 10.035 Si CH 70 2 Rare progressive Rock. Spielt sauber durch, aber bei leisen Stellen dringt Knistern durch und da und dort clicks und pops (VG bis VG+). Ohne Bildhülle 15
Explorers I could bring you the sunshine EMI Columbia 3E006 -  33720 Si CH 73 EX/EX++ + alle 4 Original- Autogramme auf Cover 25
Fool House One good reason / Easy on my soul K-tel 5236 Si CH 88 AAA    10
Freeway 75 I'm a king bee Vertigo 6028.975 Si CH73 1 Swirl Vertigo; paper label  *ce
Freeway 75 Santa Fe / Hang around Vertigo 6028.977 Si CH 75 1/AAA Swirl Vertigo; paper label  *ce
Fresh Color Fresh Tscha Tscha / Fingertips Gold Records 10049 Si CH 81 AAA Liza Wue, Gutze Gautschi, Steno Onetz, Danny Aemsing.

This is not the Italo-Disco, synthi-pop trio of 1985/85, this is still the old Fresh Color 4-some, punky, wavy, hard (but not with Dieter Meier)

Frostschutz Handtäschlifrau Musk mp 815 Si  CH 82 2/1   12
Frostschutz Handtäschlifrau Musk mp 815 Si  CH 82 AAA   20
Gregor, Marc Wanna be there / Thank you Love Agil 504 Si D 76 1/AAA   15
Grizzlies from Hell Distant Days / No more love 261.187 (private pressing) Si CH 87  AAA Feat. Mike Patch, Greg Nielsen, Michael Eberhardt; signiert/autographed (Michael) 15
Hepp, Hardy / Bruno Spoerri Summer / Let's play it all over again Image 7602 Si CH 76 1/AAA


Hepp, Hardy Wie vom Wind verweht / Und die Sonne scheint Liberty 15138 Si CH 2/1-  = "Sealed with a kiss" + "And the sun will shine" *
Hoax Gipsy woman / Pan's Laugh Sonographic WA 1314 (Privatpressung) Si CH 71 AAA Flix Huber, Olivier Fassbind, Thomas Wismer, Marco Bianchi; great prog rock with pan flute *
In Memoriam Stake / Distance Soundforce 230.861 Si CH 78 AAA/1 Die ultrararee 2. Single von THE IN MEMORIAM. Line-up: Ernst Riniker, Markus Obrist, Jürg Moser, Jörg Gerhardt, Stefan Weber *aoo - eo
Irrwisch Queen of fire EMI 13C-1764297 Si CH 88 1/AAA   20
Johnny Human Expedients Melancholy Love Song / Pluperfect Pop Records Pop 001 Si CH 89 1/AAA   15
Joint Collage Columbia 3E006-33581 Si CH 1 geniale Band mit Kurt Ernst, Bruder von Sauterelles-Bassist Enzo Ernst; Topexemplar! *
Kaktus Bünzlischwizerhuus / Milchmaa Polydor 2049.523 Si CH 76 1 Mark Crönnimann, Crown Kocher, Fredy Lysser, duco Aeschbach *
Kaktus Bombe-multi-schpitze-super- irre-wahnsinns-hit (Bombe-Hit) / PUnk Rock 'n' roll Polydor 2049 525 Si CH 77 1/AAA   *co
Kaktus Drink and sing about EMI 13C006- 76040 SI CH 78 AAA/1   20
Kashmir Alarme kiswell 82004 Si CH 79 1-/AAA   15
Killer Crazy Daisy Vertigo 6028 087 Si CH 81 1/AAA Line-up: Mark Broman, E. Crown Kocher, Many Maurer, Sting Kofmehl, Ali Allemann.

Killer is best - forget the rest.

Black + white Vertigo swirl label 

Killer Midnight Highway Rider / Crystal Butterfly Vertigo 6028.091 Si CH 81 AAA/1- Black + white Vertigo swirl label  *
Kitsch Boobie Der Maschinensong / Babulu Babula New Sound NS 102 Si CH 83 1/AAA   25
Krokodil Pollution / Lady of Attraction Liberty 15466 Si D 71 1/1- sleeve has a small piece of tape and a red dot on it 25
Krokodil Krokodil Singles vor 1971 / prior to 1971 -> Swiss 60s beat + rock singles 1955-1970  
Krokus Ballroom Blitz Arista 579 Si UK 84 NM/EX++ Original Bildhülle 15
Krokus Bedside Radio Ariola 101 218 Si CH 80 1   *
Krokus "Hardware" Ariola ME Flexi D 81 1- Marc Storace präsentiert die Krokus-LP "Hardware". + Music Express Interview *
Krokus Heatstrokes / Tokyo Nights Ariola 102 340 Si D AAA ns 15
Krokus Smelly Nelly Ariola 102 975 Si D 81 1   15
Krypton Mille Voci / Stelle Exit 45127 Si CH 85 AAA   20
Krypton Raining in my heart / Discofantasia  EXIT 45138 Si CH 86 1 Guido Fra, Daniel Stöhr, Graziano Rampinelli  *
Krypton Tokyo Girl Viteka Exit 45136 Si CH 86 AAA Guido Fra, Daniel Stöhr, Graziano Rampinelli, Bernhard Studer, Olivia Gray (bg voc), Eliko Nobs (Japanese rhymes) *
Limit Durchgedreht / Nur ein Spiel Black Cat 30490 Si CH 90 1 Ute Zett,, Lukas Bernays, Jeannot Steack, Robin Halley, Micha Lewinsky 20
Lise Schlatt S'Dörfli Metronome M30020 Si CH 76 AAA/1-   *
Mama's Boys This flight Tonight / Rescue Me CTM 131 802 Si CH 91 1/AAA Cover version of Nazareth song 15
M.C. Eugster Hip-Hop Remix - Zillertaler Hochzeitsmarsch Fresh Music FM 1115 Si CH 91 1   15
MC Keys Get off my back / Non t'amo piu Privatpressung (Turicaphon 12801) Si CH AAA Side A: boogie-type blues rock (english vocals) (early Stones/Chuck-Berry- influenced R+B/Blues-Rock)

Side B: laid back rock (italian vocals)

you won't get any hype here, coz that's not our style - but this disc is ultrarare and the music is good. released in white paper sleeve

McKingston, Martin Radio Station on the Mountain Radio 24 34-001 Si CH 81 1 Bruno Spoerri (Synthesizer) 15
Methusalem Stay away / Labyrinth MET 8002 Si CH 80 1 Rick Hochuli, Roby Würgler, Andy Sager, Fernando Palencias, Beat Forster *
Miller Kane Musch go nusche Phonag P45-6 Si CH 76 1/1+   *
Minstrels dodo / hippo feeling Panda Records WWF 171 Si CH 70 1 Klapp-Cover 15
 Misty Sunny Day Wave 17-232 Si CH EX+/NM Engineered by Peter J. McTaggart 15
Moar, Thommi Outside Live / I am alone Privatpressung (17-287) Si CH 77 1  folky rock, great heavy psychedelic lead guitar solo *
 Monroe Belinda / Lovin' you Pick 10-457 Si CH 80 AAA/1+   20


Artist/Group Title Label/No. Format Country/
Quality Remarks Price in SFR
NH3 Band Rock in CH / Need you Gold 10022 Si CH 79 1 Original "Schweizer Pass" gimmix cover (26 x 17 cm). small warp that doesn't affect play 20
NH3 Band The Spider / Pretty Faces Gold Records 10030 Si CH 80 1/AAA   20
Park Gänd kei ruhe / Our town 070.690 (private pressing) Si CH 9 AAA Hard rock fet. Ilo, Marc, Fipo

"hüser bsetze, bonze schletze, irrwitzigi gsetz verletze für wonigi zu billige prise, oh züri, wieso isch es so verschisse"

President Heartaches Honk 422 Si CH 88 AAA   15
Radio-24-Bänd Just a radio / Sweet home Zurigo Mercury 888 828 Si CH 87 AAA   10
Rhythm Cadillacs + the Jordanaires Five Cadillacs / Lovin' Girl Rockhouse SP 8811 Si NL/CH 89 AAA Felix Holzhey, Thomas Graf, Erik Schafner, H.J. Wegmann, Thomas Wyss  20
Rhythm Cadillacs I need your love tonight / Old Black Joe    Rockhouse SP 9013 Si NL/CH 90 AAA Reto Böhi, Frank de Bell, Thomas Graf,. Erik Schaffner, Thomas Wyss 20
Rockabilly Five Buzz Buzz-a-diddle it / / She's not you Turicaphon 8812 (Privatpressung) Si CH AAA/1 swoc; feat. Thomi Ott; Lex Friedrich, Phipu Zanon, Tommy Odermatt, Pit Odermatt 20
Rock Vereinigung Winterthur Real Fine Woman / C.C. Rider Polydor 2049.301 Si CH 77 AAA   *
Satin Sound (Ronny Pellers) Coming home babe / Anna Mabel M POP 102 Si CH AAA Lounge funk. Top condition. "Anna" = NM, "Coming Home" = EX. Sleeve as new, labels as new.  *aoo
Schaltkreis Wassermann (S.K. Wassermann) (Stella + PJ Wassermann) Space Shuttle / Hyper Space CBS A 1688 Si CH 81 1  Signet aus Dr. Bruno Staneks TV-Serie "Space Shuttle" (TV soundtrack)

Swiss Minimal Electro

Shotgun Eddie + the Ravers The Dark Side of the Road Activ MS 174 Si CH 85 1   20
Six-Double-E-Rap Six-Double-E-Rap (private pressing) 90304 Si CH 90 1 Martin Detig, Kurt Schneller, Miguel Mena; one-sided single *
Skibbereen Boatman's Lullaby / Fender Polka  Gold Records 10014 Si CH AAA Topzustand wie neu (+ mit ungebrauchtem Original Skibbereen Kleber) 15
Skill ZH (Big Ritos in the City) MSM-114 (Privatpressung) Si CH AAA Charles Héritier, Reinhold Bltz, Urs Bischof, Urs Ess, Jürg Iten; Cover auf Rückseite von Charles signiert + von Charles signierte Visitenkarte mit Foto 25
 Slapstick Proud Mary Schnoutz 880 920 Si CH EX+/ VG+ wobc  10
Slapstick Walkman for da CIA / Cheese's was a punk Schnoutz 6028.093 Si CH 82 1   15
Softice Harmony / Mean-timing Man CBS S 1330 Si CH 73 1/AAA  Cover vom legendären Schweizer Pop und Psychedelic Künstler URS FURRER 15
Sophie's Dream Hanslimaa EMI 3E 00633817 Si CH 75 1   15
Sophie's Drem Simmeliberg / Night in the City EMI 13C006-33957 Si CH 77 AAA   20
Span Dr eint u dr ander / Peanut Butter EMI 13C006-76047 Si CH 79 AAA   *ce
Span Stägeli / eifach so Special  SBB/SKA promo disc Si CH 88 AAA   15
Spiders Jet Set Monja / Blue Hawaii TST 45-2325 (Privatpressung) Si CH 1-/1   30
Steve Withney Band Judy in Disguise Vertigo 6028.979 Si CH 78 AAA swirl vertigo on paper label 20
Steve Withney Band It's so easy / Silver Sinner  Artus 12646 Si CH 77 AAA   25
Steve Withney Band Rollin' Down the Road Polydor 2049.532 Si CH 79 AAA   20
Steve Whitney Band Since you wanted it / Night fighting EMI 13C066-76245 Si CH 82 AAA   25
Stunning Shapes We can keep to our past Green Light 1177 Si CH 77 3   *
Swisshorns Change your life Round Records 01002 Si CH AAA   10
Tea Alexandra / Winter Days Vertigo 6147.019 Si CH 1-/2    5
Tea Good Times Vertigo 6147.006 Si D 74 1/AAA   20
Tea Summer in the City / Hold me, save me VErtigo 6147.011 Si CH 75 AAA   15
Terry + the Hot Sox Hamburg / Tell me the trutzh CBS A 1950 Si CH 81 1   10
Toad Fly Hallelujah YZ 373 Si CH 1   *
Toad Stay! Hallelujah YZ 383 Si CH 1/1- tear on cover 3 cm *
Tombstone What do you want / Downtown blues 111-286 (Privatpressung) Si CH 87 AAA/1- Hard Rock aus Solothurn *
Trampolin Gonna make it alright CBS A 1415 Si CH 81 1/AAA   15
Trampolin Magic Night CBS A 2851 Si CH 82 1   15
Transit You can't stop the fire K-tel 5240 Si CH 88 AAA   20
Tusk Child of my Kingdom Columbia E006-33506 Si CH 70 1-/1   *
Twist of Fate Bad News from Home / Green Desert SOS 300691 Si A/CH AAA promo single 15
Vergat, Vic Sound Radio Mercury 814.825 Si CH AAA split single b/w Martin McKingston "Sound Radio"; + Original "Sound Radio" Kleber (ungebraucht) + "Sound-Radio"- Programmschema *
Von Rohr, Chris Boom Boom Tonight Ariola 108.307 Si CH 1   15
Yak See Me Polydor 2049 096 Si CH 2   10
Yello Bostich Vertigo 822.160 Si D 84 1   10
Yello Call it love Vertigo 883 311 Si NL 1/AAA original Swirl Vertigo label 10
Yello Desire Vertigo 880 895-7 Si D 85 AAA   15
 Yello Goldrush  Vertigo 884.877 Si D 86 1   10
Yello Rubberbandman  Mercury 868-340 Si D 91 AAA   10
Yello To the sea Mercury 574.121 CD-Single D 97 A feat. Stina Nordenstam; radio version / norther mix, remix by Steve B-Zet  15
Yello The Race fontana 870330 Si D 88 AAA   15
Zero Heroes Crash Boom Bang SI 0040 Si FRA/CH 80 AAA + "Radio Free Europe" *
Zero Heroes Freedom Fighters / Cadillac Pontiac SI 0028 Si FRA/CH 80  AAA   25
Züri West Don't feel bad Weltrekords WRS 001 Si CH 92 AAA One-sided single 15
Züri West Lue zersch wohär dass dr Wind wääit   Si  CH AAA Original Picture disk single *
An (*) asterisk in the space for the price means: this item is currently not available.

Ein (*) Sternchen im Preis-Feld bedeutet: dieser Artikel ist zur Zeit nicht erhältlich.

Un (*) au lieu d'un prix veut dire que cet article n'est pas disponible à ce moment.

Un (*) asterisco significa: questo articolo non è attualmente disponibile.

(SFR = Swiss Franc)



Tusk Child of My Kingdom vinyl single


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